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The project 

Setting up your home network can be a bit of a hassle. With the Connect App and Connect Web it is not complicated to manage your network by yourself. From installing to modem to changing your password. From pausing connected devices to improving your WiFi range. This project focusses on Connect Web.


Breaking down the current situation

To get a clear view of the situation I’ve started with breaking down the problem in to bite-size chuncks to get a true focus

  • Devices can be difficult to recognise
  • Prone to user errors
  • Can be quite stressfull
  • Use doesn't get confirmation

Research and define

Before going into ideation mode, we wanted to first research the users, current process, and recurring problems to avoid any bias and jumping to conclusions. I hosted interactive sessions with Liberty Global's design team and held client interviews to eventually get to our problem statement. I involved our developers as well so we could detect technical difficulties and requirements in an early stage.


To get a true sence of scale I’ve started designing the flow with all error cases that can occur.  The idea behind this new feature is that it will provide a seamless experience for our new users, by offering features these users desire in a more accessible environment.


Scanning Technology

Capabilities & challenges

After investigating the challenges that we wanted to improve, I looked into the available TFL Detect AR technology to understand what our capabilities are.

Detects devices based on percentage. When communicate certainty to user (80%/95%)

First steps of the installation

In the second screen it was really important to explain scanning without letting them read.


Scanning the device

The scanning should be self-explanatory and not be punishing when not scanned correctly.

Check , check!

Usability testing

Because some of the features on the app environment were more technical, we decided to user test these via a preference test and a usability test. Because of their feedback we had our assumptions questioned and were more confident moving forward.


Tracking the results

I’ve set-up a Miro board with all screens and tracked all good/bad experiences per user.


the results...

Based on the user test we've found a clear winner. 75% of our users we're really happy with this new feature and 


Let's talk!

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